What does your 'Harlem' character match say about your confidence?

What does your 'Harlem' character match say about your confidence?

Camille's leadership confidence

Camille is a strong and confident woman who knows what she wants and is not afraid to go after it. She has a natural ability to bring people together and effect change, which is a hallmark of her leadership confidence.

angie's artsy confidence

Angie is a talented artist, and her confidence in her artistic abilities is apparent in the way she talks about her work, presents herself as a creative, and interacts with others in the art community.

Quinn's Fashion confidence

Quinn is a fashion designer and her confidence in her unique style and fashion sense is evident in the way she carries herself, and the way she talks about fashion and design.

tye's Financial confidence

Tye is a successful businesswoman and her confidence in her financial acumen is clear in her business dealings and discussions about money.

Channel your inner Harlem confidence and unlock your potential.  Discover more at ihearthatgirl.com.